AutoHotkey’s documentation on “Remapping Keys” and “Hotkeys” are good places to start.

NOTE TO NON-CODER AUTOHOTKEY NEOPHYTES (like me): AutoHotkey can be pretty complex, but if you just want to hack this particular script a bit, it shouldn’t be *too* hard to figure out how to comment out or modify some of the keyboard shortcuts. However, it apparently only takes a “right-click, Compile Script” command in File Explorer to compile scripts into *.exe programs, provided you’ve enabled the script compiler option when you installed AutoHotkey (or when you re-install it). I’ve never had a reason to compile any of my AutoHotkey scripts (e.g., to share them with people who don’t use AutoHotkey). Then you can run it as an AutoHotkey script, edit and reload it, and, when you are happy with the results, either continue using it as a script or compile it into your own, customized “portable” utility. (The AHK prefix is a pretty big tip-off, even if you don’t read the Github project’s readme.) Accordingly, if you download (or copy and save as) the machotkey.ahk script from the Github AHKShortcutLikeMac project, you *can* edit the shortcuts. *Love* the laptop its keyboard, not so much.)Īlso, it’s an AutoHotkey script.

(My typing accuracy is going downhill with age, and my current laptop’s keyboard isn’t helping.

That’s why I try to copy-and-paste from a known-good original for such things when I can, instead of typing from scratch. I don’t care that much about inconsequential typos, but I *do* care about them in program names and code. Part of the typo is still there: “AHSKShortcutLikeMac” with a stray S between the H and the K instead of “AHKShortcutLikeMac.”