The configuration was already done by me on the GUI application.

I only need to configure it.ġ7:31:59 I am done configuring. Its gonna be fun.ġ7:13:38 The daemon and CLI is already installed. I can control the torrent client from my phone.

There are lots of things that can be done. Updatesġ7:04:48 I need to get the daemon tool and the CLI to configure. I looked about it a while ago and I think I might need to download a Transmission Daemon and let it auto-start with my computer. Giving back, selflessness Initial Hypothesis Return the favor to the torrent community. I need to set it up to work that way on Linux. I want it to start with my PC and start seeding without me having to launch the application and manually hit the start button on each torrent for it to seed.

The Transmission tool provided with my Linux doesn’t seeds the torrent automatically like bit Torrent does on Windows.