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Download judge dredd sylvester stallone sandra bullock

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Now with Judge Dredd out of the way, Rico has full reign to inflict insane terror over “Mega-City One” (and WOW, what an imaginative name for a cyberpunk city!). Unfortunately, he is framed by his evil friend, Rico, a judge he previously sent up the river. Here’s the big surprise that Judge Dredd enlightens us to – “power corrupts.” Stallone is the lone “good guy” who holds to the “Law” at all costs. Judges are the ultimate authorities – they have the ultimate power in determining someone’s innocence or guilt.

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Now, only the fabled “Judges” keep the peace. Judge Dredd takes place in a twenty-second century dystopia, where anarchy reigns supreme. This only barely qualifies as cyberpunk due to the setting which are made up of Blade Runner and Robocop ripoffs. The story sucks, the acting sucks, and the overall look is cheesy, but at least the FX and deaths are well done. Judge Dredd is a terrific example of an overblown Hollywood, trying to feed us a pile of crap, all dressed up with a super-hero action star and glitzy FX. Vice working to recreate the comic (apparently the beginning actually does this pretty well), most of the movie is completely derivative.

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Overview: The inspiration for Judge Dredd is based off of a comicbook hero, which Hollywood determined needed to be brought to the big screen.

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