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Schools would be given that label based on receiving a D or F on state report cards instead of just test scores. It would also do away with the label of “failing” school and replace it with “priority” schools. It would also provide more money for the program by gradually raising the annual cap on the tax credits from $30 million to $40 million, and eventually up to $60 million. The bill raises the maximum scholarship to $10,000 per student. It expands eligibility to also include students with Individualized Education Programs because of a diagnosed learning disability or other condition. The approved legislation raises the income cap for new scholarships from $55,500 for a family of four to $75,000. It also gives tax credits to help families transfer out of schools that have been designated as “failing.” Scholarship priority is given to students zoned to attend schools labeled as “failing” because they are in the lowest 6% of test scores. The existing program, known as the Alabama Accountability Act, gives tax credits for donations to organizations that provide the scholarships. Small plane crashes into mountain in central Arizona, killing 2

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