Click the Download button or the logo below and you should be redirected to MEGA.How to Download & Install Shadow Warrior 2 Shadow Warrior 2 is truly a stunning game and is unique due to it’s unusual and naturalistic landscape. The once feared warrior now lives in the shifting windlands outside the reach of his enemies. The plot of the game starts five years after Lo Wang shattered the alliance between his deceitful former boss and the ancient gods of the shadow realm. This game has amazing visuals and has loads of weapons to choose from. Shadow Warrior 2 is a first person shooter and a successor to it’s previous game Shadow Warrior. Learn how to download and install Shadow Warrior 2 for free and be sure to share this site with your friends. Requesting is fine, but please be polite and don't beg.Download Shadow Warrior 2 for FREE on PC – Released on October 13, 2016, Shadow Warrior 2 is a stunning evolution of flying Wild Hog’s first person shooter game with many combinations of weapons such as guns blades and magic. #8 No Selling or Trading - There are other better places for this and having these posts here can lead to unintended consequences. #7 Giveaways - To giveaway a code, hide a letter or number to prevent bots claiming the code. #6 No Rants - Please refrain from posting rants (these are not productive) or accusations of scams (these are unproven). Instructional videos of your own are allowed. #5 Self Promotion -Feel free to share any videos, pictures, website links in individual posts, but please don't self-promote without asking the mods first. #4 Deals & Conversions - Use the megathread to discuss these. Tech support posts will be removed during the week If and only if your question hasn't been answered, post your question on WEEKENDS only. #3 FAQ & Tech Support - Please look in the FAQ (top bar on desktop, to right on mobile) or search the sub before your post. #2 Be Civil - Discussions are perfectly fine, just follow the reddiquette. Xbox Game Pass discussions Subreddit Rules