The University has a very compelling interest in not accessing or storing your private data.

We understand that computers used for Stanford business can contain personal information. Since it cannot backup any documents that you may currently have open and be working on, the progress bar may not show the backup as being 100% complete, though all of the files initially scanned by Code42 have been backed up. Note: Code42 is constantly backing up your files while you work.Before encrypting your computer, you should make sure all of the files initially scanned by Code42 have been backed up. As the backup proceeds, the progress bar under the BackUp tab will indicate how far along you are in the process.Once CrashPlan begins the back up, it scans the total number of files on your machine before proceeding with its initial backup, which may take several days to complete.Under Windows: Right-click on the Code42 icon in the system tray in the lower-right of the screen and select "Show Application", or run Code42/CrashPlan from the Start menu.In MacOS: Choose "Show Code42" from the Code42 icon in the menu bar at the top-right of the screen, or run Code42 from the Applications folder.